MSL Blog post

The 4 steps of the MSL hiring Process

Step 1: The phone call with HR. This interview is to quickly assess your understanding of the MSL role and to ensure you fulfill the key job requirements.

Step 2: The technical and behavioral interview. This interview assesses your skills, competencies and knowledge that are relevant to the MSL role. It...

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5 common MSL interview mistakes

1 – Not fully understanding the MSL role.
The standard questions you will be asked are: “Could you describe the MSL role? How does it differ to a sales role? How do you bring value to the HCPs and to the company? Tell us about MSL compliance and ethics?”

2 - Lack of preparation. You will be...

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4 Pieces of Advice for Aspiring Medical Science Liaison (MSLs)

Breaking into an MSL role takes focus, upskilling and dedication. Here are 4 tips for those seeking their first MSL role:

 1)   Writing a compelling MSL CV.

  1. First you need to learn what are the competencies, skills and knowledge recruiters and hiring managers are looking for in an MSL candidate....
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Is job hopping bad for your MSL career?

We had a lot of questions recently from MSL candidates who are worried about leaving their job after only 1-2 years and asked FSTP if it is bad to “Job hop”.

Here's our view as FSTP to MSLs, MSL managers and recruiters:

1) To the MSLs.

Yes, it is ok to "job hop". Most candidates job hop, because of the...

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The 5 most common MSL interview questions

You can't avoid it, most MSL interviews will have some standard (MSL) interview questions. If you want to make a good first impression you need to have

1) Please take us through your CV and highlight the parts most relevant to this MSL role

2) How would you describe the MSL role or How does the MSL role differ from...

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4 ways to identify KOLS and leverage it for your interview

Companies ask for people with an established KOL network, but not everyone has such a network handy. The next best thing is to be knowledgeable about the KOLs in that field. So, get a cup of tea, open Google and let’s find the right KOLs.

1) Google the 4 or 5 major teaching hospitals/centers of excellence...

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5 common MSL interview mistakes

1 – Not fully understanding the MSL role. 

The standard questions you will be asked are: “Could you describe the MSL role? How does it differ to a sales role?  How do you bring value to the HCPs and to the company? Tell us about MSL compliance and ethics?”

2 - Lack of preparation. You...

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