MSL Blog post

SURVEY: How many MSL-KOLs interactions you expected to have per quarter? N=483

How many MSL-KOLs interactions you expected to have per quarter? N =483 votes.
#MSLsurvey #KPIs #medicalscienceliaison

Here are the number of KOLs meeting expected in a quarter (as per KPI):

  • 19% of MSLs have no KOL KPIs
  • 36% have less than 50 KOL meetings per quarter
  • 35% have between 50 and 80 KOL meetings...
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The 4 pillars of MSL KPIs

The 4 pillars of MSL KPIs

KPIs for MSLs are often raised as a point of discussion. What is it that we need to measure, quantity of calls, or quality of calls?

  1. Quality of KOL interactions:Frequency/duration of calls shows you are at least doing something and if your meetings are long(er), it shows you had more time...
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