SURVEY: Is an MBA valuable for a career in medical affairs? N=668

A third thinks it is overrated, another are not sure of the value (yet), and another third says it is needed to climb the corporate ladder. 4% thinks it is a must!

Here are some of your comments:

  1. There are so many things to upskill on, not sure the MBA is number one. I would maybe start with clinical trial development, medical planning/launch excellence or regulatory/reimbursement processes.
  2. Is it helping, yes for sure. Is it needed? Hard to say!
  3. Doing an MBA is very demanding particularly when traveling as an MSL. If you are happy to work during the evening and weekend then go for it.
  4. MBA can be very expensive. I would ask my company if they can help pay some of it and/or provide study days.
  5. Business acumen is a critical part of any senior role, so yes I believe it is a must, but perhaps start after you have done 2-3 years of MSL-ing.
  6. It gives you a strategic mindset and a different view in your decision-making process that is needed for more senior roles
  7. If you do decide on doing an MBA, do it part-time while working, this way you can put your learning into your work and your work into your learning, while paying for the (MBA) bills.

PS: For aspiring MSLs, It is pretty clear from our previous survey that an MBA is NOT needed/required to break into the MSL role. For those interested to read this article, click HERE

 #MSLsurvey #MBA #careerprogression #medicalAffairs #MSL_MBA


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