SURVEY: What was the industry/type of work you were in prior to your 1st MSL job?

 What was the industry/type of work you were in prior to you starting your 1st MSL job? (N=475)

#MSLsurvey #MSLpriorwork #MSLpriorcareer

A lot of aspiring MSLs are wondering what prior industry or line of work might be better suited to break into the MSL role. We conducted the first survey on this topic and 475 of you participated.

These results clearly show that most MSLs, 80% of them, did not have any pharmaceutical industry experience before breaking into the MSL role. It was either research, pharmacy or a clinical background.

Here are the results:

  • 31% Research/academia (e.g. PhD, postdoc)
  • 26% Clinical background (e.g. nurse, doctor)
  • 23 % Pharmacy (e.g. retail, hospital)
  • 20% Pharma (e.g. PV/MI, sales, CRA)

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